Transitional Housing

Once men complete one of our entry-level programs (e.g. emergency shelter or addictions), many of them need some further assistance before they are able to live independently. After years of living on the street and/or using hard drugs, the ability to live on one's own does not happen overnight. It takes time, coaching, care and some assistance. This is where the Transitional Housing Program comes in. The Salvation Army ARC has 46 rooms and 56 emergency dorm beds making 102 places - from free to low cost housing - geared towards helping men prepare for independent living. The cold dark nights there are also 30 Emergency mats for EWP, on the occasional extreme night that that offers rescue from the cold. All of these beds and the meals, and the help that come with them, lead to another step up, in the hope that people will come back to a better life.
The Salvation Army ARC is primarily a residential facility providing transitional housing, made available in the course along with rehabilitative services and other supports to people in a variety of circumstances, including men who have attended and graduated from a residential treatment facility, and are ready to move to the next level of stability and self-reliance. The ARC is a critical part of the spectrum of services available to those in need of housing and rehabilitative services in our community.
The ARC is committed to every individual recovery. Anyone who wants to live in the transitional housing we provide, has to be committed to actively participating in the rehabilitative services we offer, as well as living free from illicit drugs and alcohol. Clients agree to work with a caseworker on a personalized case plan. Each case plan is individualized to the client, their needs, goals and unique situation, but always includes working on long term, short term, individualized steps on how to achieve goals related to: Housing, Finances (employment, training, legal issues, new skills, etc.), Health & Well Being (physical, mental, emotional, addiction/recovery, safety) and Social, Spiritual, & Cultural Connections.
For more information about the Transitional Housing Program, please contact our Residential Program Manager.
The Salvation Army ARC is primarily a residential facility providing transitional housing, made available in the course along with rehabilitative services and other supports to people in a variety of circumstances, including men who have attended and graduated from a residential treatment facility, and are ready to move to the next level of stability and self-reliance. The ARC is a critical part of the spectrum of services available to those in need of housing and rehabilitative services in our community.
The ARC is committed to every individual recovery. Anyone who wants to live in the transitional housing we provide, has to be committed to actively participating in the rehabilitative services we offer, as well as living free from illicit drugs and alcohol. Clients agree to work with a caseworker on a personalized case plan. Each case plan is individualized to the client, their needs, goals and unique situation, but always includes working on long term, short term, individualized steps on how to achieve goals related to: Housing, Finances (employment, training, legal issues, new skills, etc.), Health & Well Being (physical, mental, emotional, addiction/recovery, safety) and Social, Spiritual, & Cultural Connections.
For more information about the Transitional Housing Program, please contact our Residential Program Manager.