Food Services
The Salvation Army Addictions and Rehabilitation Center has a busy Food Services department. In providing three meals per day to the 150 guys who live at the ARC, and we also provide the following:
15000+ meals per month are served from ARC facilities for a variety of people
The Salvation Army ARC also provides bulk dry goods and frozen products to more than a dozen food banks and charities on Vancouver Island through its Food Recovery Program. Donations are picked up bi-weekly from food manufacturers across southern BC and shared with other social services providers. If you have an inquiry about our Food Services program, please contact our Food Services Manager.
- Community meals for hungry men and women experiencing food insecurity for a multitude of reasons, including poverty, homelessness and addiction. Our community meal program is a critical touchpoint to our community. It is where we meet critical need, where we get to know each induvial accessing our services, and where we offer options and access to even more intentional life-changing Salvation Army programming. Meals are served in our Community Dining Room at 12pm Monday - Friday.
- Support three additional Salvation Army Family Services locations surrounding Victoria providing food specifically for families in need.
- Daily Meals for an Army of ARC volunteers
- Giving donations out weekly ( Sooke food bank & Living Edge )
15000+ meals per month are served from ARC facilities for a variety of people
The Salvation Army ARC also provides bulk dry goods and frozen products to more than a dozen food banks and charities on Vancouver Island through its Food Recovery Program. Donations are picked up bi-weekly from food manufacturers across southern BC and shared with other social services providers. If you have an inquiry about our Food Services program, please contact our Food Services Manager.